Publication date: 24-04-2017
Country: Mongolia
Executing Agency: Ministry of Health of Mongolia
Name of Project: Fourth Health Sector Development Project
Loan/Grant Number: Grant 0236-MON, Loan 2932-MON
Name of Tender: Construction of Civil works, and Equipment Installation in Songinokhaikhan district hospital, Ulaanbaatar city, Bid No.LW1 (ICB)
Lot Number & Name (If different from Tender): Construction of Civil works, and equipment installation in Songinokhaikhan district hospital, Ulaanbaatar city, Bid No.LW1 (ICB)
Procurement mode: ICB
Domestic preference (Yes or No): No Regional preference (Yes or No): No
Borrower’s Tender Number: No.LW1 (ICB)
Date of receipt by the Bank of the draft Tender document: 05.07.2016 Date of approval by the Bank of the Tender Document: 06.07.2016 Tender issuing date: 08-07-2016
Closing date of the Tender: 08-09-2016 Date of Tender opening: 08-09-2016
Date of receipt by the Bank of the Tender evaluation report: 03.04.2017
Date of approval by the Bank of the Tender evaluation: 10.04.2017
Name: Vamed Engineering LLC
Nationality: Austria
Address: Sterngasse 5, 1230 Vienna, Austria
Contract Award Price: USD 24,800,000.00 Contract Start date: Projected on 1 May 2017
Contract Duration: 730 days after the Commencement Date.
Summary of Scope of Contract Awarded: Construction of Civil works, and equipment installation in Songinokhaikhan district hospital, Ulaanbaatar city, Bid No.LW1 (ICB).
Total Number of Unsuccessful Bidders: 2 (Two)
Name: Su Qian Jing Hang Construction LLC
Nationality: China
Address: Jiang Su provinc, Su Qian city, Su Yi micro district, South of Tai Shan Road
Bid Price as Read-out: USD 21,552,295.00
Evaluated Price: USD 21,552,295.00
Bid Accepted / Rejected: Bid Rejected
Reason for Rejection:
The reason of above bid has not been identified as the successful tender is:
- Non compliance for Construction experience (must meet): Contracts similar size and Nature, Construction experience In key activities - clause 2.4.1 & 2.4.2 of the Section III of bidding documents;
- Missed Bill Of Quantity for number of total 326 items of works with the price of USD1.9 million, including medical gas equipment;
- Failed the Manufacturer’s Authorization (must meet) for equipments numbered 11,12,13,14,16 requested in medical equipment listed in Table 3, of Attachment 2, Section VI, Bidding Document. The Manufacturer’s Authorizations model for equipments numbered 17,18,19,20 is different than requirements of Bidding Document;
- Non Compliance with Technical requirements totally 21 equipments not meet Employers requirement. Nine (9) out of twenty one (21) items of medical equipment listed in Table 1, 3 and 5 of Attachment 2 of Section 6 does not meet with the Employer’s requirements which bidder must meet According to the Clause 2.5, Section 3 of Bidding Documents;
- Failed Warranty Certificates for equipments numbered 11,12,13,14,16 requested in Bidding Documents
Name: Monnis International &Termigas JV
Nationality: Mongolia and Italy
Address: Monnis Tower 14th floor, Chinggis avenue-15
Bid Price as Read-out: USD 24,989,500.00
Evaluated Price: USD 24,989,500.00
Bid Accepted / Rejected: Bid Rejected
Reason for Rejection:
The reason of above bid has not been identified as the successful tender is:
- Non compliance for Construction experience (must meet): Contracts similar size and Nature, Construction experience In key activities - clause 2.4.1 & 2.4.2 of the Section III of the Bidding Documents;
- Missed Bill Of Quantity for number of total 188 items of works with the price of USD1.034 million, for Heating Ventilation & Air Condition;
- Failed the Manufacturer’s Authorization and Warranty Certificates for 149 equipments requested in Bidding Document;
- Failed the copies of certificate for construction machine except crane which required in Form EQU of Section IV of Bidding Document;
- Non Compliance with Technical requirements (must meet) for all 159 equipment’s including medical equipment’s indicated in Section 3 Clause 2.5 of Bidding Document;
- Failed the brochures and catalogue(s) for 79 % of proposed medical and non medical equipments.
N.B.: Any bidder who wishes to ascertain the grounds on which its proposal was not selected, should request an explanation from the Executing Agency. In any event, the Bank reserves the right to review any complaint of a bidder at any time following the award.